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American Research Journal of Nanotechnology


American Research Journal of Nanotechnology is an international, peer-reviewed, open access online publishing journal. Nanotechnology is in all areas related to the science and technology of nanosized and nanostructured materials. Importantly, a special emphasis on a published work is placed on material’s design, characterization, functionality, and preparation for implementation in systems and devices.etc.

The journal welcomes and publishes all insightful Nanotechnology related submissions in the form of original articles, review articles, case reports, short reviews, short notes etc.

Given below are some of the key (but not limited) topics of this journal.

  • Nanoparticles and nanocrystals
  • Nanostructured and nanoarchitectured materials
  • Nanocarbons (e.g. carbon dots, graphene, nanotubes, fullerenes)
  • 2D materials (e.g. flat allotropes, planar extended compounds, TMDCs, MXenes)
  • Self-assemblies and directed assemblies of molecules and nanoparticles
  • Films, membranes, coatings, surfaces, and interfacial materials
  • Nanoporous and mesoporous materials
  • Soft matter (e.g. biomaterials, polymers, aerogels, foams, granular matter)
  • Hierarchical structures and molecular-particle networks
  • Inorganic-organic hybrids and nanocomposites
  • Nanoceramics, metals, and alloys
  • Devices and applications include, but are not limited to, the following categories:
  • Chemical, petrochemical, and pharmaceutical technologies
  • Catalysis, sensing, separation science, and membrane reactors
  • Energy conversion and storage (e.g. solar cells, energy harvesting, batteries)
  • Electronics, photonics, and magnetics
  • Food, biological, medicinal, and drug development
  • Green and sustainable practices and remediation
  • Engineering applications (e.g. building, transportation, telecommunications)
  • Nuclear, aerospace, military, and national defense and security technologies