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S.No Journal Name APC(USD)
Case Study
Special Issue
1 American Research Journal of Addiction and Rehabilitation $549 $349 $249 $349
2 American Research Journal of Agriculture $449 $349 $249 $349
3 American Research Journal of Anatomy $349 $249 $149 $349
4 American Research Journal of Anesthesia $349 $249 $249 $349
5 American Research Journal of Biomedical Engineering $349 $249 $149 $349
6 American Research Journal of Biosciences $449 $349 $249 $349
7 American Research Journal of Biotechnology $349 $249 $149 $349
8 American Research Journal of Business and Management $449 $349 $249 $349
9 American Research Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases $549 $349 $249 $349
10 American Research Journal of Chemical Engineering $349 $249 $149 $349
11 American Research Journal of Chemistry $449 $349 $249 $349
12 American Research Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering $449 $349 $249 $349
13 American Research Journal of Clinical Case Reports $349 $249 $149 $349
14 American Research Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology $349 $249 $149 $349
15 American Research Journal of Dentistry $549 $349 $249 $349
16 American Research Journal of Dermatology $549 $349 $249 $349
17 American Research Journal of Earth Science $449 $349 $249 $349
18 American Research Journal of Electrical Engineering $349 $249 $149 $349
19 American Research Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering $349 $249 $149 $349
20 American Research Journal of Emergency and Intensive Critical Care $549 $249 $149 $349
21 American Research Journal of Endocrinology $549 $249 $149 $349
22 American Research Journal of English and Literature $349 $249 $149 $349
23 American Research Journal of Food and Nutrition $349 $249 $149 $349
24 American Research Journal of Genetics $349 $249 $149 $349
25 American Research Journal of Geriatrics and Aging $549 $249 $149 $349
26 American Research Journal of Gynaecology $549 $349 $249 $349
27 American Research Journal of Hematology $549 $349 $249 $349
28 American Research Journal of History and Culture $349 $249 $149 $349
29 American Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences $349 $249 $149 $349
30 American Research Journal of Immunology $349 $249 $149 $349
31 American Research Journal of Infectious Diseases $349 $249 $149 $349
32 American Research Journal of Internal Medicine $349 $249 $149 $349
33 American Research Journal of Materials Science $349 $249 $149 $349
34 American Research Journal of Mathematics $349 $249 $149 $349
35 American Research Journal of Mechanical and Automation Engineering $349 $249 $149 $349
36 American Research Journal of Medicine and Surgery $549 $349 $249 $349
37 American Research Journal of Nanotechnology $349 $249 $149 $349
38 American Research Journal of Neurology $349 $249 $149 $349
39 American Research Journal of Nursing $449 $249 $249 $349
40 American Research Journal of Oncology $549 $349 $249 $349
41 American Research Journal of Ophthalmology and Optometry $549 $349 $249 $349
42 American Research Journal of Orthopedics and Traumatology $549 $349 $249 $349
43 American Research Journal of Otolaryngology $549 $349 $249 $349
44 American Research Journal of Pathology $449 $349 $249 $349
45 American Research Journal of Pediatrics $549 $349 $249 $349
46 American Research Journal of Pharmacy $449 $349 $249 $349
47 American Research Journals of Physics $449 $349 $249 $349
48 American Research Journal of Psychiatry $449 $349 $249 $349
49 American Research Journal of Public Health $449 $349 $249 $349
50 American Research Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine $349 $249 $149 $349
51 American Research Journal of Sports Medicine $349 $249 $149 $349
52 American Research Journal of Stem Cells $349 $249 $149 $349
53 American Research Journal of Urology $349 $249 $149 $349
54 American Research Journal of Veterinary Medicine $349 $249 $149 $349