Cerebral Hemodynamics By Transcranial Doppler AndProtein S100β In Patients With Sepsis-Associated EncephalopathyAnselmo Abdo-Cuzaa, Giselle Leal-Alpizara, Juliette Suarez-Lópezb, Oscar L Illodo-Hernandezc, Roberto Castellanos-Gutiérreza, Rafael Machado-MartÃneza, Alejandro, Castellanos-GarcÃaa, Guillermo DÃaz-Pilotoa, Leanet Quiles-Gómeza, Emi Hernandez-Fernandeza, Yalina Quevedo-BenÃteza, Francisco Gomez-Peirea,Juan C. Lopez-Gonzaleza, Yanet Cordero-Vasalloa, Geydy Leal-Alpizara, Namibia Espinosa-Nodarsea, Daniel Gonzalez-Gonzaleza, Guillermo Perez-Aspuroa, and Miguel A Blanco-GonzalezView | Download| | Full Text | DOI: 10.21694/2693-4795.20001| Share This Article: |